(明日海):このたびはおめでとうございます。大橋先生にはいつもハっと驚くような舞台装置でお世話になっておりますし、任田先生にはいつも素敵なお衣装作っていただいて、剣さんには今年4月に私達が『ME AND MY GIRL』を上演させて頂くというご縁もありまして、このたびこうしてプレゼンターをさせて頂くことができ、とても光栄に思っております。
This website is amazing. I will tell about it to my friends and anybody that could be interested in this subject. Great work guys!
This website is amazing. I will tell about it to my friends and anybody that could be interested in this subject. Great work guys!
This website is amazing. I will tell about it to my friends and anybody that could be interested in this subject. Great work guys!
Wow! Your website is amazing 😀 I will suggest it to my family and anyone that could be interested in this matter. Great work girls 😉